Georgia DNR Seeks Nominations to New Finfish Advisory Panel
OutdoorHub 05.01.12

Commissioner Mark Williams has announced formation of a Finfish Advisory Panel to provide guidance to the Coastal Resources Division (CRD) in matters related to management of saltwater finfish species such as spotted seatrout and red drum. Like the Blue Crab Advisory Panel and Shrimp Advisory Panel, this group will be a subcommittee of the Marine Fisheries Advisory Council. The members will be appointed by Commissioner Williams for a term of two years based on recommendations from CRD staff.
The new 12-member panel will consist of six recreational anglers – two residing in Chatham, Bryan or Liberty; two from McIntosh, Glynn or Camden and two at-large members, who reside in a non-coastal county. Individuals to be considered for one of these seats cannot have a commercial fishing license. Three members will be licensed saltwater fishing guides – one from Chatham, Bryan or Liberty counties; one from McIntosh, Glynn, or Camden; and one at-large member, who can reside in any Georgia county. Eligible fishing guides must have been licensed for the previous two years and possess all other state and federal permits, as required. Two members will be licensed commercial fishermen who reside in Georgia. Each must have possessed a Georgia commercial fishing license during the previous two years, have reported landings of finfish, and must possess all other state and federal permits, as required. The final member will be a non-DNR scientist experienced with saltwater fish population dynamics and management and affiliated with a non-governmental organization or academic institution based in Georgia.
“The department places great value on input from the regulated community through our advisory panels. These individuals offer unique perspective and knowledge that enhances the effectiveness of our conservation efforts,” said Spud Woodward, director of CRD. “Our other advisory panels have helped us advance the management of blue crab and shrimp, and I look forward to working with this new panel to do the same thing for saltwater finfish.”
Interested persons should complete and submit the Marine Fisheries Advisory Council Questionnaire along with a cover letter to Kathy Knowlton at CRD. Applications are available at the CRD Headquarters in Brunswick or on the Internet at Applications must be received or postmarked no later than June 15, 2012. Individuals selected to serve on the Advisory Panel will be notified in early August after which a joint meeting of the Marine Fisheries Advisory Council and Finfish Advisory Panel will be convened.