Wild Fish Wild Places Snag Huge Lakers and More in Season Finale on Sportsman Channel Saturday Night
Wild Fish Wild Places 12.06.12

Sportsman Channel, the leader in outdoor television for the American Sportsman, is taking viewers north of the boarder to the great waters of Canada for non-stop fishing excitement on Wild Fish Wild Places. The vast and impressive waters of Lake Athabasca is the perfect setting for the “WFWP “team to ‘set and strike’ the biggest lake trout the fisheries have to offer. The fish are biting fast and furious and audiences will NOT want to miss this two-part season finale! Do not miss the heart-pounding action on Saturday, December 8 at 6:30 p.m. ET/PT.
The lake trout start biting early and often on Lake Athabasca, however they are not quite ready for the enormity of the fish they bring into the boat. The trip includes a personal best for host, Denis Isbister. After trolling these waters for just a few hours, he reels in a “monster” – a 36’ lake trout! After a short break to enjoy some fresh catch for lunch, host; Alan Broderick also catches one of the biggest “Lakers” and Northern Pike on the trip. Not to be out done, Captain Bruce (Lakers Unlimited) reels in one of his top fish in a long time. Despite challenging conditions throughout the trip, the entire crew turn out some of the most impressive episodes of Wild Fish Wild Places in Canadian waters.
“We have fished in many places, but Lakers Unlimited on Lake Athabasca is far and away my favorite,” said Denis Isbister, co-host of Wild Fish Wild Places. “There is no other place I would rather finish out our season than on this remarkable lake. Every time we fish inNorthern Canada, we are rewarded with great fish and impressive scenery.”