Photo Purports to Show Giant Worm-like Creature
OutdoorHub Reporters 07.10.14

The picture of a giant earthworm supposedly found in Provincia de Napo, Ecuador is causing a stir online as experts debate whether the photograph is real, and if so, what species this mammoth worm belongs to. The photograph was uploaded to Project Noah by user hoppy4840, who said he found the worm in 2009 while hiking through the foothills of the Sumaco Volcano.
The image has since been posted to Facebook, reddit, and other social media websites. Some online commentators express skepticism over whether the photograph is real, but many say that if the image is a forgery, it is very well done. Project Noah opined on its Facebook page that the worm may be a member of Martiodrilus crassus, while others said that the creature might be a giant gippsland earthworm or even an as-of-yet unnamed species. The internet being what it is, many claims have come forth that the worm is in fact a mutant or an alien from outer space.
The description on Project Noah places the worm at 1.5 meters in length (just under five feet). What kind of fish would you catch with that?