Video: Woman Freaks Out Over Angler’s Stingray Catch


Video: Woman Freaks Out Over Angler’s Stingray Catch

Team Fishemaut recently shared this video on their Facebook page, showing a woman harassing an angler over what bystanders agreed was a legal stingray catch. Many anglers and hunters have dealt with this sort of vitriol, but thankfully this encounter does not become violent. Instead, the angry woman screams about how the angler will spend life in jail and rambling about why “They will put every German from Germany in prison!”

To elaborate, the angler was speaking Spanish, not German.

What do you think? How would you deal with people like this?

A lady goes off on a fisherman who caught a stingray. What are your thoughts?***LIKE COMMENT SHARE***

Posted by Team Fishemaught on Friday, April 3, 2015

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