Video: Gordon Ramsay Takes a Wild Hog from Field to Table


Video: Gordon Ramsay Takes a Wild Hog from Field to Table

Any real hunter will tell you that game you harvest yourself automatically tastes better.

World famous chef Gordon Ramsay got to find that fact out first hand on a hunting trip in Georgia. He travelled to Fort Benning, which has a serious feral hog problem, to track down, kill, butcher, and cook one. Before he was able to do any of that, however, he had to learn some basics about firearm safety and skills.

After his military instructor ran him through a marksmanship course, it was time to hit the field in search of an invasive wild hog. While they didn’t encounter one moving through the woods, they did happen upon one that was caught in one of the many traps on the base. Gordon Ramsay dispatched the pig and then got down to business.

After completely butchering the pig, Ramsay cooked every edible part into some gourmet BBQ. The infantrymen on the base got quite the treat –no doubt much better than their usual meals.

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