Infographic: These are the Deadliest Animals in Each State and Country


Infographic: These are the Deadliest Animals in Each State and Country

If there is one thing you should take away from all these videos posted here on OutdoorHub, it should be don’t mess with Mother Nature. She’s an unruly beast, and more often than not, will get her way in most situations.

We came across some interesting statistics that point out the odds of you of being killed by an animal. With so many different species of animals, these estimated numbers vary from continent to continent, country to country, and state to state. If you want to check out the data yourself, visit Latest Casino Bonuses.

Depending on where you’re from, sometimes the most overlooked animal will be the one that makes you meet your maker. These are the deadliest animals in each state and country.

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Africa is one of the most dangerous, and unforgiving continents on the planet. Loaded with animals that are massive in stature, it is kind of ironic that the deadliest animal in Africa is also one of the smallest: the mosquito.

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The good news for Americans is that not very many people are killed by animals. Here is a list that determines the states where you are most likely to be killed by an animal. It appears that you are safest from animals on the East Coast in states such as in Massachusetts, but coming in first is Montana, where you are most likely to be bitten or struck by a larger mammal.

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So what animals should you look out for? The stats suggest that mammals such as horses, cows and even deer are the leading cause of animal deaths in America. Coming in second are stinging insects such as hornets, wasps and bees.

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Surprisingly absent from the data are fish, like sharks, which are arguably the most feared animal on the planet. However, in reality, there is only about one death per year due to a shark attack in the United States.

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According to these stats, deer are the deadliest animals in North America. Of course, the vast majority of deer-related fatalities come from car accidents, not vicious attacks. Because people are always looking to jam more subdivisions in wooded areas, deer are forced to share more land with humans, where they jump into traffic and cause all kinds of problems.

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The stat we found most alarming was that mosquitoes are more deadly to mankind than mankind itself. Homicide claims an estimated 475,000 people every year, and mosquitoes are almost doubling that figure.

So when you break it all down, mosquitoes really are the ultimate serial killers. They are most commonly known for the mosquito-borne Zika virus, an epidemic that has found itself on numerous headlines recently, associated with miscarriages and birth defects.

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After mosquitoes, snakes are ranked as the next-most-deadly animals. If you’ve ever watched Indiana Jones, snakes probably give you the willies more than any other animal. The Asian cobra leads the pack as far as deadliest snakes goes, and because of its extremely toxic venom, you’d be best not to seek out one of these guys. Without immediate medical attention, an Asian cobra bite can be lethal in just 15 minutes.

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So there you have it, now you have all the information you need on deadly animals. It’s totally normal, and downright human, to be afraid of deadly creatures on this planet, but it’s always best to keep in mind that animals only react in a way nature intended them to, which is to protect, hunt and survive.

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