400 Texas Teachers Turn Out for Free Concealed Handgun License Course


400 Texas Teachers Turn Out for Free Concealed Handgun License Course

In the wake of the Sandy Hook tragedy, the NRA and other organizations have moved to educate teachers and other school staff on firearms in order to try and prevent events like those of December 14, 2012 from happening again.

That movement is gaining support in some parts of the country. The Utah Shooting Sports Council recently offered free concealed weapons training to Utah Teachers and over 200 were expected to attend.

Not to be out done, a gun store in Texas has nearly doubled that number during a recent class.

On Saturday, December 30, Lone Star Handgun, located in San Antonio, offered free Concealed Handgun License (CHL) training to anyone who works with students at a school. The 400 slots made available to public were filled within 24 hours.

“We’re trying to educate the educators and get forward moment in the Legislature to allow teachers and any other concealed handgun license holder into schools or any other public place,” said Josh Felker, owner of Lone Star Handgun, to mysanantonio.com.

Kim Williams, an educator from Houston had this to say during a break in the course: “I’m entrusted to the care and safety of over 100 students. I want to be prepared.”

Texas law currently only allows concealed carry on school grounds by written authorization or specific school policy.

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I'm a poet and and author. I received my BA in Creative Writing from Central Michigan University and I am pursuing my MFA in Poetry at Sarah Lawrence College. My work has appeared in The Greatest Lakes Review, The North Central Review, Dexter magazine, Open Palm Print, newspapers, magazines, bathroom stalls, the backs of highway billboards, under bridges and other, stranger, places.

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