Video: Hunters Save Entangled Buck from Coyote Pack
OutdoorHub Reporters 12.05.13
One unfortunate way for bucks to die during the rut is becoming antler-locked while sparring with rivals. It is a slow, agonizing death from hunger, predation, or the elements. According to the Daily Mail, Washington hunter Pete Caruso and his companions came across two such deer near Spokane. The deer had been entangled for quite some time and one of the bucks had already died. What made the situation worse was that a trio of coyotes had picked up the scent and started taking bites from the deceased deer. The surviving buck could only watch as its erstwhile rival was slowly consumed.
The hunters decide to help free the deer despite the complaining yowls of the coyotes, which stayed a safe distance away. Freeing an antler-locked deer is never easy or entirely safe, as recent videos on OutdoorHub show, but few hunters can stand by and watch an animal suffer.
The buck even gave a little jump of joy as it got reacquainted with freedom.