Mountain Lion Shot Near Ainsworth, Nebraska
OutdoorHub 11.13.12
A male mountain lion was shot by a deer hunter Nov. 10, the opening day of the November firearm deer season. The incident occurred about 10 miles northeast of Ainsworth in Brown County.
The hunter reported the shooting to a Nebraska Game and Parks Commission conservation officer. According to the hunter, the cat walked parallel to him at about 35 yards as he left his hunting blind, made eye contact with him, then circled in front of the hunter’s path. A subsequent investigation concluded the hunter was justified in killing the 150-pound animal.
By law, a person may kill a mountain lion without a permit only if it “stalks, attacks, or shows unprovoked aggression toward such person or another person,” or if it is in the act of preying on livestock. Unlawful killing of a mountain lion is punishable by a fine of up to $1,000 and up to three months in jail.