OSP Unlocks the Knowledge Vault
OutdoorHub 02.28.13

OSP Shooting School, the premier leader of shotgun shooting instruction, instructional books and DVD’s reveals their new KNOWLEDGE VAULT, a 24/7 interactive instructional website.
World class shooting instructors Gil and Vicki Ash take their teaching to the next level and beyond by opening the most comprehensive source of shotgunning knowledge available today. The new KNOWLEDGE VAULT provides a section of “free knowledge” that includes shooting articles written by the couple over the years, along with a sneak peek of their new Shot Simulator videos and of course, their class schedule. The site has a place to become a member of their new KNOWLEDGE VAULT that contains tips, techniques and Shot Simulator videos from basic shots to specific shots that are troubling a shooter. Being a member gives you access to the almost untouchable Gil and Vicki Ash through their blogs and ‘coaches eye’ sections and members can augment live classes. Every ‘Ash’ written book and DVD is viewable on the site. The couple has incorporated such features as the ‘Vault Search’, which is a search engine of their entire site that accesses every related topic via articles, books and videos for the shooter to review in order to become a better shooter. With an ever expanding inventory of over 3,500 pages of written material, 6 DVDs, 2D/3D videos, Shot Simulator™ and slow motion video kill shots on all game birds, the member will have unlimited access to shooting improvement.
“Gil and I wanted a place for shooters to come and feel at home. We will talk you right through any issue you may be facing. We realize that time is of the essence and not everyone who desires to become a better shooter can get away from his or her busy life and into our classes… We now have the solution! We also recognize the increase costs with ammunition and don’t want anyone to waste another round!” states Vicki Ash, Co-Owner of OSP.
The KNOWLEDGE VAULT is the cutting edge membership site that is designed for any computer, tablet or Internet connected smart phone – so accessing while at the sporting clays range when a shot is frustrating you is not a problem! The KNOWLEDGE VAULT will improve the basics of your game or give advice on advanced techniques on your own time, wherever you are. Become a member for less than the cost of one round of sporting clays each month.