Expedite International Introduces New Logo and Brand
Dr. David Vaught 04.16.13

Expedite International introduced their new logo and brand this month. Lucky Duck reflects a long company history of providing high quality products to waterfowl, dove and predator hunters since 1995.
The new logo is an exciting graphic with a hint of nostalgia. It is reminiscent of the early days of hunting, coupled with a company passion to be a modern leader in decoy design and deception.
Lucky Duck represents 18 years of product development, innovative design, and continued introduction of products that reflect the company mission, values and dedication to hunter success and association with products built to last.
In 2013, it will become the marketing anchor for continued enhancement of their dove and predator products. According to president Jeff Hallbeck, “We have an aggressive marketing campaign in place that will display the Lucky Duck brand and image through print media, television, logo designs, and packaging. Ultimately, the goal of the Lucky Duck brand is to portray a distinctive feel that will speak and connect with the hunter.”
For more information visit www.luckyduck.com or call 715-381- 2935.