The Third Page Publishing, Inc. Launches Prepper & Shooter Magazine


The Third Page Publishing, Inc. Launches Prepper & Shooter Magazine

The Third Page Publishing, Inc., is launching a new consumer periodical, Prepper & Shooter Magazine, for shooting and preparedness enthusiasts.  The premiere issue debuts October 2013.

Beginning publication as a quarterly, then moving to a bi-monthly format in 2014, Prepper & Shooter Magazine will cover all the topics vital to those interested in preparing for a variety of scenarios in which they would need to be self-reliant, such as natural or man-made disasters, in a mixture of product reviews, expert columnist pieces, interviews, instructional pieces and feature stories.

Vincent L. DeNiro leads the staff of Prepper & Shooter Magazine, as Editor-in-Chief.  Mr. DeNiro has more than 30 years of experience in the firearms and defense industries, including work with some of the largest small-arms companies in the world, working with various military agencies, and providing firearms and special effects to the movie industry since 1991.  He has been a student of preparedness topics since the 1970s.

“The magazine revitalizes the personal responsibility element of the civil defense programs of the 1950s through 1970s, and the sense of adventure imparted by the survivalist magazines of the early to mid- 1980s,” says Vincent L. DeNiro, Editor-in-Chief.  “And, because shooting is such an integral part of prepping, whether it’s hunting to put food on the table, or for self-defense, it made sense to combine the two subjects in one magazine. That’s why we say that we are the bridge between the firearms and the preparedness industries.”

Topics to be covered in Prepper & Shooter Magazine include: firearm and firearm accessory reviews, nuclear/biological/chemical survival, first-aid, survival food and equipment, alternative energy, weather survival, communications, hunting, wilderness skills, knives, book reviews, herbal remedies, self-defense, gardening, livestock, tactical shooting and training, bomb shelters and more.

“The civil defense movement of the 1950s – 1970s, which turned into the survivalist movement of the 1980s, has resurfaced as the ‘prepper’ movement of today, and it’s stronger than ever,” reports DeNiro.  “This self-reliance trend has become main-stream among the U.S. population, and people are looking for sources of good, solid, useful information that they can incorporate into their preparedness efforts.  Prepper & Shooter Magazine is that resource.”

Prepper & Shooter Magazine will be available on newsstands and from the publisher. Single issue cover price is $6.95.  For additional information, visit the publication’s website at

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