Freedom Fighter Series Dedicated to Adding New Viewers that Watch Shooting Shows


Freedom Fighter Series Dedicated to Adding New Viewers that Watch Shooting Shows

The Bear Whisperer is back to bring brand new viewers  that wouldn’t normally watch a shooting show, to watch the new series developed for the everyday American.  Besides gearing the show towards shooters that want to learn more about firearms, the viewers will get the behind the scenes look at everything that takes place during the filming of this new series.  The debut will be Friday, January 3rd at 9:30pm.

Host Blaine Anthony is a familiar face to national TV,  hosting shows such as North American Safari, The Bear Whsiperer and Hitmen for over 10 years.  “In all my years of watching outdoor television, I would always look for something else to watch if a shooting show came on.  I figured there has got to be a way to get the regular Joe to watch a shooting show,” said Anthony. “I hooked up with some of the most respected and knowlagable people in the shooting industry to teach me about black guns.  Well we just let the cameras roll and what came out was a show full of education, shooting, and most importantly behind the scenes entertainment never before seen on any shooting show”

Freedom Fighters takes on the look and feel of a “mini-series” style show. The show takes a chronological journey of teaching Blaine all about his new addiction to black guns. “Make no mistake, the show is funny and there are tons of pranks and jokes, but we are on a mission to educate the public about our second amendment rights and show them the newest hottest products available today,” said Anthony.

Blaine has teamed up with industry professionals Jeff Zimba and Adam Hendsbee who will take the lead in showing Blaine and the rest of the viewing audience the ins and outs of the black gun industry all the while keeping it light and very entertaining throughout every episode.

To learn more about Freedom Fighters, visit and follow Anthony on Twitter at Like them on Facebook at


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