National Trappers Association Annual Convention Set for Escanaba, Michigan
OutdoorHub 03.14.14

Over the duration of the event, an estimated 6,000-9,000 outdoor enthusiasts from all over the US will gather in Escanaba, Michigan July 24 – 27th, 2014 at the U.P. State Fairgrounds for the 55th Annual National Trappers Association (NTA) Convention and Sports Show. This event is the largest gathering of trappers in the world.
More than 200 vendors of trapping related supplies, sporting goods, and related outdoor products will be displayed and sold in the various fair buildings from 8 am to 6 pm Thursday through Saturday. A very limited number of vendors will be available from 8 am to 12 pm on Sunday. Tailgate/flea market vendors will also be featured in the outdoor areas surrounding the buildings from 8 am to late evening, Thursday through Saturday.
This family oriented event also provides hourly demonstrations on trapping, predator calling, various educational seminars and craft classes. In addition, to kickoff the event, an auction from 7 pm until late Friday night, July 25th will take place. To continue the fun, guests are invited to enjoy an exciting night of dancing to the live music of Runaway Train, on Saturday, July 26th from 9 pm until midnight. All activities are open to the public and the public is encouraged to attend. A multi-day pass is available for purchase at the gate for $10.00 per person, with all children under the age of 12 admitted free.
We feel honored to be able to host this outstanding event for Escanaba area residents and NTA members from throughout the nation. We enjoy welcoming visitors from the surrounding area. We also wish to thank the entire NTA Board of Directors and the U.P Trappers Association for making this NTA convention possible.
The U.P State Fair Authority and the Delta County Chamber of Commerce has been busy making final preparations to make sure everything is in order. This is an example of the Delta County Chamber of Commerce and the Convention & Visitors Bureau working together with the U.P. State Fair Authority to bring a large number of visitors to the Escanaba area. We have been working together on this project because we understand estimates of the economic impact generated would total nearly $1.0 million dollars. This is based on the estimate that each member attending the convention will spend approximately $100 per day for 4 days at area hotels, shops, restaurants, attractions, etc.