Land Beasts, Volume 1
OutdoorHub Social 05.22.14
Almost every hunter dreams of bagging a record animal. However, most hunters will never harvest one, but we are still fascinated by the success of others. We searched the web to find a few of the biggest animals harvested on record. Scroll down to check out these beasts and feel free to share your own on our Facebook or Twitter.
Grizzly bear
This gigantic grizzly bear was taken in 2013 near Fairbanks, Alaska.
Black bear
This black bear was harvested in New Jersey and weighed an estimated 829.5 pounds.
According to the NWTF, the largest turkey harvested weighed in at 35 pounds. The turkey below was taken in Missouri and weighed around 28 pounds.
Whitetail deer
This deer was found dead inside a fence in Missouri in 1981.
Mule deer
This enormous muley was harvested in 1926 in Alberta, Canada.
This huge American elk received the nickname “Spider Bull” for its unique rack.
This world record moose was harvested in Canada’s Yukon Territory. The antlers measure nearly 76 inches at their greatest spread.
Bighorn sheep
This ram was harvested in Alberta, Canada. The harvest was the result of a $200,000 Alberta Minster’s Tag.
Wild boar
This mammoth pig, dubbed “hogzilla,” weighed around 800 pounds and measured in at 6.9 feet.
There have been unverified reports of a harvested wolf weighing in at over 200 pounds. However, it’s widely believed that the biggest wolves weigh in the upper 100-pound range.