5 Best Concealed Carry Methods for Women, By a Woman

1. GTM Concealed Carry Purse
When it comes to off body carry, a purse is a great option. However, I would caution just a couple things:
- You’ll want easy access to the purse at all times. If you can’t access the gun from inside the purse, then it’s not a good option.
- Keep the purse attached to you at all times. Don’t put it on the floor or even on the back of your chair, keep it connected to you. I know that seems weird, but if someone were to steal your purse, they would then have your gun.
Purses that are made specifically for concealed carry have a pouch, usually on the back, sometimes inside, that has a holster inside where the gun can be slipped into. With a quick unzip, you can access the gun safely and effectively.
I would highly recommend getting a purse specifically designed for concealed carry because a typical purse is simply not designed to carry a gun. Throwing a gun inside of a purse is extremely dangerous.
2. Dene Adams Corset
When I first saw the Dene Adams corset holster I was enthralled. A corset that’s also a holster?! That’s so awesome!
But I worried if it was going to concealed properly. The corset itself would probably be fine, but once you add a gun inside of it, I wasn’t so sure how it was going to show.
I had a difficult time finding videos or photos of people who were actually concealing with it so I contacted customer service themselves and asked some questions about how well it concealed. They put my mind at ease. With that kind of price tag, I had to know I wasn’t going to be disappointed.
I’m able to successfully conceal in a loose tank top. I couldn’t believe how well it concealed, actually. Sure, maybe you might get a glimpse of *something* underneath, but it didn’t print like it was a gun, so I wasn’t at all concerned about it.
It does take some practice. I would spend quite a bit of time devoted to practicing with it and getting really good.
Also I was first using it with a Ruger 380 and I feel like the corset swallowed that gun and it was a little difficult to get out sometimes. I would recommend a micro compact or larger.
Dene Adams has come a long way with their concealed carry options and I encourage you to take a look at their other options.
3. Alexo Athletica Concealed Carry Leggins
I was one of the first people to buy an Alexo Athletica concealed carry legging and I was hooked the moment I got it. I wore it all the time. I now own two pairs and couldn’t be happier.
They have several spots in front and back where your gun can be holstered. In addition, there are several other deep pockets around the leggings.
Pockets and concealed carry? Sold!
I’ve done a stress test with the gun to make sure it stays in place. The elastic is extremely tight to your skin which makes for strong retention and as much rolling, jumping, running and flipping around that I’ve done with it, my gun has never fallen out.
Lastly, I would caution that you’ll need an additional trigger guard to protect the trigger. It sits inside of fabric, so I place a credit card in the pocket in front of the gun to add additional protection. I’ve never been able to pull the trigger through a credit card, so I feel confident in that. The card doesn’t move, either.
4. Bravo Belt Belly Band
I’ve used a lot of belly bands in the past and the one by Bravo Belt is by far the best there is.
A belly band holster wraps around your hips or mid section and secures with a soft velcro. I’ve had other belly bands in which the harsh velcro would dig into me if I didn’t line it up just right. But this one has a soft velcro so even if it’s not lined up perfectly, it’s not uncomfortable.
It has several different slots for your firearm and other accessories.
It also has a retention strap which needs a little bit of extra practice to get unsnapped first before pulling your firearm.
I’ve been able to use the belly band in a variety of outfits without concealing. Great option!
5. Kydex Holster with Ulticlip
My first inside the waistband holster had a leather back which made the holster a bit flatter. I was always concerned that the full on pancake kydex holsters would be too bulky for me.
That is, until I discovered Equipped Armory and their kydex holsters which utilized the Ulticlip.
I discovered Ulticlip at SHOT show several years ago and fell in love with their product. The holster can be secured with or without a belt, which is most appealing.
However, if you are planning to wear without a belt, you will want to make sure your pants are not a size up and are nice and tight to your body, otherwise, the gun could flop around. The holster will stay put thanks to the Ulticlip, but the holster itself might flip around and that’s not good for anyone.
Kydex is a great choice for a trigger guard and overall retention. If made properly, the firearm is molded to your specific gun which allows it to slide into the kydex and ‘click’ into place.
The Ulticlip then secures the holster to your belt, or under your belt directly to your pants.
One last thing about this particular kydex holster, the claw. The claw makes a huge difference. It pushes my pants out ever so slightly which pushes the firearm against my body, making it a cleaner conceal. The chances of imprinting or slim to non, even in wind. I checked under 20MPH wind conditions and even though there was a ‘bulge’, there was no way to tell it was a gun.
Impressive. Kydex with the claw and Ulticlip make an unstoppable combination.
Which concealed carry option is right for you?
I have all of these options and more. I like to mix it up and I make sure to deliberately train with each and everyone of these options on a regular basis.
I would recommend trying out a variety of options and seeing which one is going to be right for you and your needs.
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