Don Zimmer Wins the NRA Executive Vice President Award
NRAblog 12.05.11
The National Rifle Association’s 2011 Service Awards Ceremony was held on Thursday, December 1, at the national headquarters in Fairfax, Virginia. One of the big (if not biggest) moments came at the end of the ceremony when Don Zimmer of NRA’s Information Services was awarded the Executive Vice President (EVP) Award. The highest honor bestowed upon an NRA employee, the EVP is not handed out every year. And this has been a heck of a year for Don.
Here’s the presentation as read by master of ceremonies Linda Crouch:
It seems fitting that our last OAA’s contribution was focused on digital media – since the NRA is transitioning more and more to digital formats. When our members go online to sign up or renew memberships, browse and buy from the NRAStore, change and update their membership information, pay their fees … they access a secure, friendly website that functions seamlessly from the time they access the site to when they finish entering their payment information and those payments find their way to NRA accounts and are processed. Pretty incredible, really, when you think about the phenomenal amount of complex coding that has to be developed to make all that happen.The person responsible for authoring, developing, testing and coordinating the input of all that complicated, inter-related code is this year’s EVP Award winner. Through his efforts, user-friendly, secure e-commerce websites now exist that have increased departmental efficiencies across the organization and yielded reduced costs through the elimination of mail handling and telephone support.
For his superior achievement, excellent performance, tireless dedication and outstanding commitment to our mission, this year’s EVP Award goes to Don Zimmer from Information Services.