Consistent Regulations for Yo-Yos and Trotlines Now in Effect in Louisiana
The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries would like to remind anglers that consistent regulations for the use of yo-yos and trotlines are now in effect on Black Lake, Clear Lake, Prairie Lake, Caddo Lake, Chicot Lake, D’Arbonne Lake and Lake St. Joseph.
Concerns related to the use of yo-yos and trotlines have been voiced for years in some areas, with most complaints being very similar. Untended gear interfered with the recreational efforts of other anglers. Regulations, enacted through legislative action, addressed those concerns but were not consistent, thus creating angler confusion.
Legislative action taken early this year rescinds the existing regulations on the previously mentioned water bodies and replaces them with a uniform set of regulations to reduce angler confusion. This action does not apply to waters other than those listed above.
For a complete listing of regulations, click here.
The Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is charged with managing and protecting Louisiana’s abundant natural resources. For more information, visit us at on Facebook at or follow us on Twitter @LDWF.
For press inquires, contact Ashley Wethey at or (225) 765-2396.