Southwick Hunting Market Report Reveals Never Before Seen Data
OutdoorHub 07.30.13
There were as many as 14.3 million active hunters in 2012 who spent $7.8 billion on their sport, but how that money was divided among specific product categories has never clearly been available. That is until now! Southwick Associates, the outdoor industry’s leading research and survey firm, is currently offering the 2012 Size of Hunting Market Report. The first-of-its-kind report is available to businesses, agencies, organizations and the media and is the most accurate and complete study of the actual amount of hunting-related expenditures available. It offers information critical for any business or group focused on providing products and services to this market.
Results are presented in actual dollars spent and broken down into drilled-down, specific categories companies can use to better understand their consumers and market potential. Product categories include the market size for traditional rifles, tactical rifles, handguns, shotguns, muzzleloaders, air rifles, ammunition types, bowhunting, decoys, game calls, optics, handloading and more. Virtually every product category within the hunting market is examined.
“This is the first time, beyond our custom reports, that we are presenting data on actual dollar sales, which really provides companies and organizations with the information they need to make vital decisions about product development and investment,” says Rob Southwick, president of Southwick Associates.
Southwick Associates utilizes proprietary market data from their own research combined with the most recent and reliable data from a variety of key government sources to compile the report.
For more detailed information or to obtain a report, visit or contact John DePalma, with Brand Intelligent, at or 303-552-8454.