Michigan DNR Fisheries Division’s Annual Report Highlights 2013 Accomplishments and Activities
A report highlighting the various activities of the Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) Fisheries Division during Fiscal Year 2013 has been produced and is now available online at www.michigan.gov/fishing.
The 2013 Fisheries Division Annual Report summarizes the programs and work completed in the past fiscal year (Oct. 1, 2012, through Sept. 30, 2013) by division staff in an effort to maintain and improve Michigan’s fishery. The report categorizes the division’s work within the five goals it developed as part of its five-year strategic plan, published in March 2013. These goals include:
1) Healthy aquatic ecosystems and sustainable fish populations
2) Diverse fishing opportunities
3) Strategic resource partnerships
4) Strategically focused assessment and decision support tools
5) Efficient division operations
The report also includes Fisheries Division’s mission and vision, details on partnership efforts during 2013, and fisheries-related quick facts.
“This report provides Michigan citizens with a snapshot of Fisheries Division’s management of the state’s aquatic resources,” said Fisheries Division Chief Jim Dexter. “It helps us track our progress as we work toward completing our strategic plan and is something we are proud to share.”
Input on the activities of Fisheries Division is encouraged by readers of the 2013 Annual Report. All communication can be shared by email through DNR-Fish-Accomplishments@michigan.gov.