SOLKOA Helps Create a Survival Fire Anyone Can Make


SOLKOA Helps Create a Survival Fire Anyone Can Make

SOLKOA Survival Systems Producer of specialized survival kits for the military and other high-risk government agencies for years is now producing their Fastfire survival fire kit for civilian use.

The key to SOLKOA’s Fastfire Fire Starting Kit is their solid fire starting tinder. The Fastfire material when contacted by a flame or just sparks creates a sustained 1,300 degree flame in seconds. The Fastfire solid cube produces a wind resistant flame that will ignite even when floating on water. The Fastfire solid cube is ideal tinder when trying to get a camp or survival fire going in most any conditions.

Fastfire is a cubic-inch of high-energy tinder resembling a piece of plastic foam (it isn’t). The blocks are hermetically and individually sealed in heavy-duty Mylar wrap for long term storage.

Fastfire blocks can be easily cut into smaller pieces as needed for extended survival or general use. The full block will burn for 10-12 minutes. If cut into 8-pieces for extended use, each piece will produce a flame for 2-3 minutes; more than enough to ignite most kindling.

Fastfire is dry to the touch, easily lit, smokeless, odorless, and when extinguished is cool to the touch in seconds. Each block weighs only 2/10ths of an ounce.

The complete Fastfire Fire Starting Kit includes SOLKOA’s Faststrike, a 3-inch long ferrocerium high-energy sparking rod and a 3-inch hardened steel hacksaw blade for a total of only 1 oz. This sparking system is the more reliable than others including flint because it has no mechanical parts and works when wet. Besides acting as the striker for the sparking rod, the hacksaw can be used for cutting of course and also produces excellent sawdust for use as additional tinder for a survival fire.

Complete fire starting kits come in two sizes:

  • Emergency Fire Starting Kit with 2 Fast fire cubes and a Faststrike,- $16.95 MSRP
  • Fire Starting Kit with 4 Fastfire cubes – $19.95MSRP

Fastfire packaged cubes can be purchased separately:

  • Four for $7.95 MSRP
  • Eight for $10.45 MSRP.
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