Louisiana’s Catahoula Lake Drawdown Delayed Due to Oil-Drilling Activity


The annual drawdown at Catahoula Lake, scheduled to begin on May 1st and detailed in a Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries April 25 press release, has been delayed until June 18 to allow for continuation of oil-drilling activity on leases administered by Louisiana Department of Natural Resources (LDNR) on the lakebed.  The water level needs to be maintained at or above 34 feet MSL for oil-drilling equipment to operate and move between drilling sites.

Catahoula Lake is currently at slightly over 34 feet and no water will be released until June 18.  Water level will then be lowered to approximately 30 feet by July 15 and to 27.5 feet by August 15, rainfall and runoff permitting.

In the future, intended drawdown dates at Catahoula Lake will be included with LDNR’s lease notifications to better coordinate habitat management and oil activities.

For more information contact Larry Reynolds at (225) 765-0456 or Lreynolds@wlf.la.gov.

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