Video: This Exploding Tree is Why You Don’t Want to Hunt in a Lightning Storm
OutdoorHub Reporters 05.10.17
Some crazy weather hit the town of Blue Eye, Missouri recently, bringing with it some ominous clouds and spectacular lightning strikes. This insane video captured the moment lightning struck a tree and lit it up like the lights in Vegas.
This is an excellent example of why you can’t “shelter” from lightning under a tree. Being under a tree is one of the leading causes of lightning casualties, and you definitely don’t want to be IN a tree that gets struck.
Lightning is nothing to play around with when you’re outdoors, whether you’re on the water or sitting in your treestand, if the weather starts to take a turn for the worse take shelter indoors or in a hard-topped vehicle if possible. Personally, I’ve had to scurry down from my treestand more than a few times because of lightning in the area, and it’s a scary situation to be in.
Watch the video below and remember, when thunder roars head indoors!: