Stone Laboratory Lecture to Discuss Partnerships that Protect Ohio’s Waterways
OutdoorHub 07.13.11
Stone Laboratory, Ohio State University’s island campus on Lake Erie, will continue its summer guest lecture series tomorrow, July 14 at 7:45 as David Mustine, Director of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, discusses “Productive Partnerships: Watersheds and Lakes.”
The public can either attend the presentation at Stone Lab or view the presentation via a live web seminar. Those interested in learning more about this simple and fast option and receiving the log-in information should contact Matthew Forte at or by phone at 614.247.7439.
Each Thursday lecture begins at 7:45 p.m. and lasts until approximately 9 p.m. A brief presentation on current research precedes each lecture at 7 p.m. Dr. Christopher Winslow, Biology Department Assistant Professor at Kutztown University will speak tomorrow about his research on low oxygen levels in Lake Erie’s Western Basin.
Guests interested in attending in person can take Lake Erie Water Taxi at their own expense at 7:15 p.m. from the Boardwalk Restaurant dock to Gibraltar Island, where they will be given a short island tour before the lecture.
“The Guest Lectures Series is a great way to get Great Lakes information out to the public,” says Dr. Jeff Reutter, Director of Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Laboratory. “I encourage the public to come and take advantage of the opportunity to hear directly from researchers and interact with each of them.”
The lectures also will be broadcast live into 333C Kottman Hall on the Ohio State main campus and upon request, broadcasts can be sent to other remote locations. Contact the Stone Laboratory Office at 614.247.6500 for more information.
Tune in on Thursday, July 28 to hear from Dr. Lawrence Krissek Professor and Associate Director of Ohio State University’s School of Earth Sciences. He will present, “The Geologic History of the Lake Erie Basin.” Linda Merchant-Masonbrink, Coordinator of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency’s Harmful Algal Bloom Assessment Program, will discuss, “Ohio’s Harmful Algal Bloom Response Strategy.”
Located on the 6.5-acre Gibraltar Island in Put-in-Bay harbor, Stone Laboratory is The Ohio State University’s Island Campus on Lake Erie and the education and research facility of the Ohio Sea Grant College Program. The Ohio State University’s Ohio Sea Grant Program is part of NOAA Sea Grant, a network of 32 Sea Grant programs dedicated to the protection and sustainable use of marine and Great Lakes resources. For information on Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Laboratory, visit