Pheasants on the Flats
Hunting Preserve Owner, Dog Trainer, Guide, and Chef. If you're looking for a day afield like you or your dad had back in the 1950s, 60s & 70s or if you're looking for the real experience and challenge of true upland hunting, then look no further: Pheasants on the Flats is the place for you!
We have been touted as the golf course of hunting preserves. Real, old time covers specifically planted & groomed for upland bird hunting the way it used to be!
Bog Sucker Flats – Hickory Hollow – The Flushing Fields - The Pointer Fields – The Blue Bird Park – The Ol’Man Field - Buddy & Mazies Covert - Kellys Pond & Training Area
Over 300 acres of diverse habitat is what makes the Flats so unique. The small grain fields, hedgerows, and marshes of yesteryear; the orchard grass of the Mid-West or the hawthorn thickets of the North East.
Let us tailor your special day afield, we have it all from Mild to Wild!