Squeaky Clean: The Best Solar Showers for Camping and Adventuring

1. Coleman 5-Gallon Solar Shower
My dad always taught me that a good method for tackling any problem or obstacle is often the K.I.S.S. method (Keep It Simple Stupid!). With that in mind, I really like the Coleman Solar shower for its simplicity and affordability. The Coleman Solar shower is a lot like Coleman’s other camping products and gives you a simple yet durable design that just works as long as you keep it maintained. No extra frills here. The Coleman Shower uses a simple on/off valve that lets you control the flow of water and also features a very durable carry handle that you can use to hang the shower to heat the water and give you both hands-free. The Coleman shower takes about 3-hours to heat up and can handle temperatures of up to 120°F,
2. Triple Tree Solar Shower Bag
The Triple Tree is pretty universally reviewed well by casual campers and even fishermen who want a nice convenient and warm source of water to use while out in the wild. While the triple tree is roughly the same size as the Coleman, it features a different shower head that is more suitable for rinsing off the soapy water and also features a much longer hose so you can get a better rinse. The Triple Tree Solar Shower bag packs down very small and is made from durable PVC materials and includes a nice buckled hanging or carrying strap.
3. Nemo Helio LX Portable Pressure Camp Shower
Nemo’s lineup of camping gear is generally not only super durable and super innovative, but it’s also super cool! The Nemo Helio portable pressure camp shower doesn’t need to be hung up as other solar showers do, instead, it uses an integrated pump to pressurize its 5.7-gallon tank which allows you to have a nice strong continuous spray. The Helio also comes in a 2.9-gallon version which is much smaller but still gives you about a 5-minute shower. This one is great not just for showering and rinsing gunk out of your hair, but it could also come in handy for washing camp dishes or spraying away caked-on mud or grime from camp equipment or clothing too.
4. Advanced Elements Summer Solar Shower
Give yourself a hot shower anywhere you go! Simply fill and layout in the sun clear side up and you will have a hot shower in no time! Designed with an efficient 2-layer construction for optimal heat retention and performance, the Summer Shower 5-gallon solar shower has unique features to fit your needs. Whether it’s in camp, at the end of a long trail, or on the deck of your boat, a hot shower is a pleasure to have.
5. The Yakima RoadShower
This one can do anything and everything and is super tough to boot. The Yakima RoadShower is a must have for off-roaders or those who work out of their trucks in remote locations. No need to complicate things by lugging around a plastic bag full of water, simply just leave your truck parked in the sun, come back later and enjoy a nice hot shower courtesy of the sun. The RoadShower is available in smaller sizes with 4-gallon and 7-gallon options taking up less space on your roof rack but I honestly think the best option is the 10-gallon since it’s already pretty efficient when it comes to space. The roadshower comes with a stick-on thermometer, two water outlet ports, a large top cap for filling, and can be pressurized by hand using the included hose adapter or an aftermarket electric pump up to a 55 psi max. This really is the ultimate road companion for overlanders.
How long do Solar Showers typically take to heat up?
This largely depends on the weather as you could expect but in general, on an 80-degree day most solar showers can heat up to “warm” water in about an hour and relatively hot water in about 3 hours. This is why many solar showers feature thermometers so that you can gauge how fast your solar shower tank is heating up. Some solar showers are capable of handling pretty hot water and oftentimes campers will opt to heat up some water over the campfire and then fill the bags up – just check to make sure your solar shower is rated for hotter water if you choose to do this!
Larger solar showers can take all day to heat up, especially if the weather isn’t too warm or you accidentally put the tank in the shade. On hotter days, solar showers heat up pretty quick but take caution to make sure you don’t overheat the bag which could damage the polymer components.
How long does a Solar Shower Last?
Your average Solar Shower will have a roughly 5-gallon tank that you then hang or pressurize to give you good water flow. Depending on the nozzle type your average 5-gallon tank will last you about 5 minutes or so if you’re conservative with the water and aren’t just sitting in the water without actually cleansing yourself.
Are there other options that would give me a more comfortable or longer shower?
There certainly are! If you know you’re going to set up camp in a remote location for a while or the weather is going to be consistently cold, solar showers may not be the best option. The Mr. Heater BaseCamp B.O.S.S is a propane battery-operated pressurized shower that can draw water from almost anywhere and heat it up to a comfortable temperature using its onboard 12,000-BTU burner.
This gives you more consistent access to warm water and can run up to 40-minutes using a standard 1-lb propane cylinder and 6 D-Cell batteries. This is a great option for luxury camping or setting up at a deer camp that doesn’t have a shower. It’s also quite affordable too all things considered!
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