Whitetail Food Plots: Honey Holes for All Acreage, Part 4


Whitetail Food Plots: Honey Holes for All Acreage, Part 4

This is the final part in my ‘How To’ food plot Series, and I just want to mention a few additional things to you. My property is just over 13 acres, however the “block” I live on is about 1575+/- acres and is ringed with homes. It is comprised of woods, fields, ravines and even a major power line cutting through the middle of the block. The food plot I have planted is almost an acre (with irregular shapes – lots of corners). I also planted this micro plot honey hole in the middle of my woods. Like I mentioned before, I’ve found that the biggest bucks like the thickest areas, it’s security to them.

This year, I am going to expand with another ‘Micro Plot’, again in the woods , but at the top of the western bank of a stream that travels north and south as it runs through my property. This area has only provided limited trail cam photos in the past, but this year with the mild winter has proved differently. I’ve located a few very sizeable rubs on trees having diameters as big as 5”. That in and of itself warrants another look at putting in a small 60’ x 80’ plot near their travel corridor. Just in case you still doubt whether or not small food plots work, I have attached a few photos throughout this guide of some decent deer that have visited my food plot. Until next time, good planting, and may you harvest a great buck as a result of your dedicated efforts!

Again, I would like to mention, my seed of choice: INVITE X-Tream Wildlife System. Located in Ohio, this seed is developed by hunters for hunters. Check them out at : www.INVITEFPF.com. Any questions, E-mail me at whitetail-foodplots@roadrunner.com.  You can also find me on Twitter @foodplotsPaul. As a footnote, I want to let you know my website is under construction, but will be found at www.whitetail-foodplots.com. To go back to part 3, click here.

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Paul Cwiklinski is a consultant and lecturer on Food Plots for Small Acreage. With 23 yrs of food plot experience, I instruct how to make the most of small parcels of property through the use of high yield food plots, even as small as 3/4 of an acre. This is an affordable step-by-step approach to plot placement strategies and multi-crop plantings, giving the average hunter a huge advantage from late Spring right through the Rut and Winter when Whitetail nutrition is most critical. 

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