Get Ready For Kayak Season With Two Simple Steps


Get Ready For Kayak Season With Two Simple Steps

Kayak season is finally here, so it’s time to think about your next outdoor adventures. You may have been dreaming about heading out into the water for months, but there’s a couple of steps you’ll need to take first before you’re ready.

So, dust off your kayak and get ready for the season with just a couple of simple steps.


Kayak Season

One of the downsides of winter is that your activity levels can drop, leaving you in a less than stellar physical shape. After all, cold weather usually means snuggling up on the couch with a hot beverage, substituting any physical activity.

The thing is, kayaking requires loads of physical effort, as it’s a very demanding and active sport. Therefore, it’s vital that you prepare yourself physically and bring up your endurance level so that you can avoid any injuries during your first outing.

If you’ve not gone out in the water for a few months, you may be feeling anxious, wondering if you’re still capable, or you’ve lost some skills. To overcome this, we recommend watching instructional videos, so you can brush up on your skills.

Prepare your equipment

Before your excursion, you need to make sure that all your gear is ready. To ensure that everything is as it should be, there are some steps you can take:

  1. Inspect your gear: Look for any wear and tear on the outside of your boat, and for anything that made its way inside while your kayak was in storage, including any critters or insects.
  2. Clean: Anything that’s put in storage ends up covered in a layer of dust, so thoroughly clean your boat with soap and warm water.
  3. Repair and tighten: Any loose bolts should be tightened up, and any rust should be removed from the metal parts. Patch up any holes that may have happened during winter, and fine-tune your rudder, ensuring that you lubricate the cables.
  4. Pack your bag: Make sure that all your kayaking gear is in one place, such as an overnight bag.

With a little bit of preparation, you can get ready for kayak season and enjoy the warmer weather!

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