Five Steps You Must Take Today To Defend Your Gun Rights


Five Steps You Must Take Today To Defend Your Gun Rights

Hopefully the mere fact that you’re reading this article means that you’re concerned and willing to take action against the all-out assault we are seeing against the Second Amendment.

To make matters worse, the liberal Left and mainstream media just do not get it, nor do they care. Make no mistake, the liberal side of the field (look no further than the current democratic candidates for president) wants to force a mandatory buy back of your assault rifles, outlaw high capacity magazines and implement Red Flag laws. (a clear violation of the Fourth Amendment)

And it won’t stop there.

Teaching in the firearms training world on a consistent basis, I make it a point in every single class to ask students if they are aware of anti-gun legislation in their own state much less on the national level. I am frustrated to report that while most know there is “some kind” of pending law changes, they are woefully unaware of the actual bills and what the implications are, even in their own backyard.

To put things in perspective, the highly debated number of gun laws currently in the US (federal, state and local) range from a low of about 300 to upwards of 20,000 according to a study by the Brookings Institution Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy (I suspect the number is somewhere in the middle). Even if the true number is the lower, there are more than adequate laws on the books to address issues such as the mentally ill or convicted felons from owning or possessing firearms. Just as there are extensive laws prohibiting drunk driving, impaired drivers still continue to drive and kill innocent people, in many instances after having already been convicted of a prior drunk driving offense and their driver’s license being suspended.

It is past time to get serious and act, RIGHT NOW!

Below are just a few of the ways and steps to take to fight off the insidious and uneducated attacks against gun ownership.

Educate Yourself

Spend some time getting to know what legislation has been introduced at the local, state, and national levels. An example is the current push around the nation for “red flag” laws and high capacity magazine bans. The Red Flag law essentially eliminates you from being secure in your own home against unlawful seizure of your firearms because someone (could be anyone, your neighbor, friend or even a spouse) says you are a threat to yourself or others. The end result is that your right to due process, being secure against unreasonable search and seizure by a warrant-less search (Fourth Amendment issue) will be compromised. There are obvious great possibilities of abuse through any such legislation. This is only one example of current anti-gun legislation being pushed in many states and at the federal level. Do you know what the US Constitution and your own states constitution actually says when it comes to your right to keep and bear arms?

Defend Gun Rights
Good educational material

Get Involved and Take Action

Education is only the first step, now you must act. Contact your state representatives, governor, and congressman to voice your opposition to any legislation that compromises the Second Amendment. Phone calls, emails, and letters to the editor are all ways to make your voice heard. Be courteous and professional but firm in your resolve that anti-gun agendas and legislation will equal voting the politician out of office when the time comes. Currently all Democratic candidates for president in the 2020 elections are running on a platform of mandatory buybacks (confiscation) of “assault weapons.” Not one of these candidates deserves a vote from any American what believes in and supports the constitution. Nor does any retail outlet deserve my business or support while calling for the disarmament of law-abiding citizens.

Defend Gun Rights
Right to Keep and Bear Arms.. protected by the 2nd Amendment

Join and Support Gun Rights Organizations

Being a part of a bigger united movement is critical. Whether it is the NRA, Gun Owners of America, National Shooting Sports Foundation, your local state gun club/association, or all of the above you must support these efforts. By being involved you will be supporting grass roots efforts to keep and maintain your rights as enumerated in the Second Amendment.  All of these organizations have strong gun safety programs promoting safe and responsible firearms use.

Stay Professional

I provide firearms training on a regular basis. While I feel it is my responsibility to provide factual information concerning gun issues and legislation to all my students, I maintain a high level of professionalism when doing so. Admittedly it is hard to leave the emotion out of it but I believe this is the best approach. Likewise understand that carrying a firearm openly in today’s high emotion climate may not be the best approach. I suggest you carry concealed, discreetly and professionally, all the time.

Defend Gun Rights
Open carry has become a hotbed topic in today’s politics

Train and Be Vigilant

Keeping yourself well trained, educated and dedicated to a defensive way of life makes you more confident and professional when it comes to daily gun carry. Attend credible advanced training on at least an annual basis. Spend time on the gun range as often as you can. Take part in a course on realty based training, it will help you make solid decision under stress if the day ever comes you have to defend yourself or family.

Defend Gun Rights
Training builds confidence and promotes professionalism

Firearms enthusiasts and defensive minded folks today are in the fight of their life when it comes to gun ownership and their continued ability to defend themselves, a fundamental right of any human being. All the while those that wish to disarm you ironically enjoy protection from armed security. It’s time to get serious and step up to the plate, make yourself heard, and make it known you are not giving up your Second Amendment rights. Those rights are just a critical as the First, Third, or Fourth, and so on. Our founding fathers foresaw these issues and established a path to follow and adhere to against tyranny. Please don’t take it for granted.

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Terry Nelson is currently a writer for OutdoorHub who has chosen not to write a short bio at this time.

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