Be In The Know With The Best NOAA Weather Radios

1. Midland - WR120B/WR120EZ
Midland is a well known brand in the radio communication world.
This is a fantastic unit to have in your home or office, plugged in and on at all times. It’ll send alerts as soon as something is going on in your area.
This has a flashing display, voice alert, as well as a very loud alarm.
It also takes batteries so when the power goes out you can still be alerted to any new information as it comes.
It’s also trilingual; Spanish, English and French.
2. Long Range Walkie Talkies
Looking for something more mobile? These walkie talkies are absolutely perfect for the whole family. Keep one in a backpack, in the drawer at work or wherever. They’re compact and easy to use.
Communicate using them as walkie talkie with 22 different channels pre-programmed, as well as being able to switch to the NOAA weather radio station.
This won’t give you any alerts, you have to turn the walkie talkie on and change it to the NOAA weather radio channel in order to hear what’s going on.
They’re also rechargeable!
3. Greadio NOAA Weather Radio
Hello, Radioshack? This is what this reminds me and I love it.
This is an old-schools, simple, portable radio. It has AM/FM which can be tuned to the NOAA weather station. It’s compact and lightweight which makes it a great portable radio, or something for the home.
It takes 2 AA batteries.
4. Eton - American Red Cross FRX3+
You want features? This has features!
- Hand crank
- Solar charging
- Charge your phone
- Rechargeable
- Flashlight
- Has an alert function
- Red flashing beacon
What can’t this do?! This is the slightly larger version, they do have a smaller version, but both are equally as feature rich.
Keep this at home or take it camping.
5. SUNGLIFE Solar Crank NOAA Weather Radio
This is also a feature-rich radio at about half the size. It fits in my hand and it’s super lightweight.
- Rechargeable
- Can charge a phone
- Has solar charging capacity
- SOS alarm (VERY loud)
- Flashlight
- AM/FM/NOAA weather radio
- Hand crank
- It has an internal battery, but it can also take batteries
This radio won’t send out alerts, but you can turn it on and tune it to the NOAA weather station to hear what’s going on.
This is great for home preparedness, camping, hiking, whatever.
Which radio is right for you?
We have multiple radios all over the place for different purposes and reasons. And every one of them has the ability to tune to NOAA stations.
Whether it’s portable, home or preparedness uses, lots of radios with NOAA capabilities available!
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