Fish for Free at Fenton Lake, New Mexico to Celebrate NHF Day


Fish for Free at Fenton Lake, New Mexico to Celebrate NHF Day

La Cueva, NM — License-free fishing, archery and kayaking are among activities scheduled Saturday, Sept. 24, at Fenton Lake State Park as the Department of Game and Fish and New Mexico State Parks celebrate National Hunting and Fishing Day with a day of family fun.

National Hunting and Fishing Day also is a free fishing day in New Mexico, a special day when all anglers — residents and nonresidents of all ages — can fish without a license at public waters statewide. All other fishing rules apply.

Saturday, Sept. 24 activities at Fenton Lake will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and will include free archery and fishing instruction, fly tying, aquatics education and more. The state park charges a $5 per vehicle day-use fee. Walk-in entry is free.

Friday, Sept. 23, school and youth groups will gather at the park for an outdoor skills expo from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Fenton Lake State Park is 33 miles northwest of San Ysidro via N.M. 4 and N.M. 126 in the Jemez Mountains of northern New Mexico. The area is owned by the State Game Commission and managed by New Mexico State Parks.

For more information about National Hunting and Fishing Day activities at Fenton Lake, please call (505) 231-4375.

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