The Best of Texas is Only on Sportsman Channel During the “Lone Star Showdown”
OutdoorHub 05.09.12

Everything is bigger in Texas. And Sportsman Channel, the leader in outdoor TV for the American Sportsman, has created a no-holds-barred afternoon of Texas-sized shows with “Long Star Showdown,” presented by the Ram Trucks brand on May 13 from 1 pm to 4 pm ET. The network’s three-hour programming blitz features the best hunting and fishing action in the state of Texas.
Each hour of the “Showdown” is loaded with the “best of Texas” bass fishing and hunting – including useful information from leading experts and outdoorsmen. Hunting enthusiasts will have the opportunity to watch their favorite personalities with Brian “Pigman” Quacca from Pigman: The Series, Ron Landis and Jerry Berggren from In The Woods with Ron and Jerry and Mike and Aaron Davidson from Long Range Pursuit. The intensity does NOT slow down on the water as viewers experience an unforgettable dose of bass fishing on G3 Sportsman.
“Lone Star Showdown”, presented by the Ram Trucks brandwill air on Sunday, May 13 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. ET. The lineup for the Sunday is as follows: (All Times Eastern):
1 p.m. – Long Range Pursuit – The Gunwerks Crew is in Texas with Western Lands Outfitters training nearly 40 clients in three shooting schools. Texas in the spring has tough wind conditions and bonus hunting opportunities – there is a big difference between a steel plate and a black buck!
1:30 p.m. – Pigman: The Series – Pig Man invites Neil Davies of Hornady and his kids to hunt with him in South Texas. Whitetail and hogs hit the ground everywhere as Pig Man: The Series completes their 50th episode with bang.
2:00 p.m. – In The Woods with Ron and Jerry – Tune into and watch Ron and Jerry fly to Ron’s ranch in central Texas in pursuit of whitetail deer. Ron and Jerry will NOT let viewers down with this epic adventure.
2:30 p.m. – G3 Sportsman – Host Scott Turnage and legendary B.A.S.S. fisherman Lonnie Stanley catch big bass on small lakes.
3:00 p.m. – Hunting Adventures – Viewers will not want to miss the top-flight hunting with Michael Cooley at Cotton Mesa Whitetail in central Texas. Hunting Adventures brings viewers along for a memorable journey through the backcountry in search for ‘monster bucks’.
3:30 p.m. – Northwest Hunter – This episode is one of two great shows where Northwest Hunter host Pat Boyer is attempting to get the Texas Sheep Slam at Rio Bonito Outfitters.
Visit for each show’s description and a brief video of that week’s show.