Team Benelli’s Tony Holmes Takes 2nd Place in Open Division at Ozark 3-Gun
OutdoorHub 09.20.12

Congratulations to Team Benelli 3-Gun members, Tony Holmes, who took second place in the Open Division at the 2012 Ozark 3-gun Competition held last weekend in the steep rolling hills of Missouri’s Ozark Mountains. Congratulations also go to Rob Romero who took 4th place in the Tactical Optics Division. This 3-day match is a challenging natural terrain event that draws more than 200 shooters each year to Osage, Missouri.
Competitors take part in nine stages shooting rifle, pistol, and shotgun. This year one stage was eliminated for safety concerns, so theremaining eight stages challenged shooters for speed and accuracy, requiring shots to be taken at distances ranging from 10 to over 400 yards.
Competitors were kept on their toes when one of the stages was changed from a pistol/rifle stage to a pistol/shotgun slug stage at the last minute.
“This stage proved to be one of the most difficult I’ve ever shot with 90% of the competitors receiving penalties for misses on the slug targets.” Holmes described. “The unusually small targets were originally intended for rifle, and if that wasn’t difficult enough, you had to shoot at 60 yards from a moving bridge.”
The next major match will be the FNH USA 3-Gun Championship, event #5 on the 3-Gun Nation Tour to be held Sept. 20-22 in Glengarry, West Virginia.
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