Division of Wildlife Offers Public Ranges in Central Ohio
OutdoorHub 10.17.12

Don’t wait until the last minute. Visit one of the public shooting ranges operated by Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), Division of Wildlife to ensure you are ready for hunting season. There are several ranges located around the state, allowing hunters the opportunity to perfect their shooting skills. Three central Ohio counties (Delaware, Fayette and Licking) offer rifle, pistol, shotgun and archery ranges.
Ranges are classified by the type of facilities offered and whether they are supervised. A Class “A” range has a full-time attendant and requires users to have a valid shooting range permit for all persons 18 years and older. Shooters age 17 and under are not required to purchase a permit, but must be accompanied and supervised by an adult (age 18 years or older) holding a valid shooting range permit. Permits are available for purchase online at WILDOHIO .COM or at any hunting and fishing license outlet. The one-day shooting range permit is $5.00 and allows the permit holder to access a Class “A” for one visit. The annual shooting range permit is $24.00 and allows the permit holder to access any of the Division of Wildlife Class “A” range throughout the year. The annual permit expires on February 28th of each year. (Note: All Class “A” ranges except Spring Valley Wildlife Area are closed during January and February.)
The central Ohio Class “A” ranges are located at Deer Creek Wildlife Area in Fayette County and Delaware Wildlife Area in Delaware County. They are open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday. Range permits are not sold at the ranges and must be purchased before arriving. Also, please remember to bring your own paper targets and target holder.
Class “D” archery ranges are located at Deer Creek Wildlife Area in Fayette County, Delaware Wildlife Area in Delaware County and Hebron Fish Hatchery in Licking County. These ranges are open free-of-charge, no permit is required. They are open every day, sunrise to sunset.
Delaware and Deer Creek Wildlife Areas also offer Class “B” shotgun ranges that are free to use, no permit required. These ranges are open Wednesday through Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.