Michigan Angler Catches 58-pound State Record-breaking Muskellunge


Michigan Angler Catches 58-pound State Record-breaking Muskellunge

The Department of Natural Resources confirmed the catch of a new state-record Great Lakes muskellunge on Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012.

The fish was caught by Joseph Seeberger of Portage, Mich., that same day on Lake Bellaire in Antrim County at 10:30 a.m. The fish weighed 58 pounds, measured 59 inches long and had a girth of 29 inches. Seeberger was actually bass fishing with a minnow at the time when he caught the fish. It took nearly two hours to land and required the help of two friends.

The record was verified by Patrick Hanchin, a DNR fisheries biologist at the Charlevoix Fisheries Research Station and Conservation Officer Steve Speigl.

The previous state-record Great Lakes muskellunge was caught by Kyle Anderson of Rapid City, Mich., on Torch Lake in Antrim County on Sept. 27, 2009. That fish weighed 50.5 pounds and measured 56.13 inches.

“This fish shows that Michigan waters are capable of producing huge fish,” said Fisheries Division Chief Jim Dexter. “Great waters coupled with appropriate management strategies can result in even more record fish.”

State records are recognized by weight only. To qualify for a state record, fish must exceed the current listed state-record weight and identification must be verified by a DNR fisheries biologist.

For more information about fishing in Michigan, visit www.michigan.gov/fishing.

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The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is the agency of the state of Michigancharged with maintaining natural resources such as state parks, state forests, and recreation areas. It is governed by a director appointed by the Governor and accepted by the Natural Resources Commission. Currently the Director is Keith Creagh.

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