Missouri Conservation Action Report
OutdoorHub 10.22.12

The Conservation Commission met at the White River Conference Center, Springfield. Commissioners present were:
- Don C. Bedell, Sikeston, Chair
- James T. Blair, IV, St. Louis, Vice Chair
- Becky L. Plattner, Grand Pass, Secretary
- Don R. Johnson, Festus, Member
The Commission approved issuing five no-cost chronic wasting disease (CWD) Management Seals to owners of at least 5 acres in the core of the Chronic Wasting Disease Management Zone in Linn and Macon counties. Each CWD seal will allow hunters to take one deer of either sex on the specific property for which the seal was issued during established hunting seasons. All deer taken with the self-locking plastic seals must be Telechecked and submitted for CWD testing. The seals are part of the Conservation Department’s proactive management plan to limit the spread of CWD by allowing landowners in the area where CWD has been detected to harvest additional deer. The special harvest provision will help reduce the numbers of deer in the area and add additional harvested deer to the Department’s ongoing CWD sampling efforts.
The Commission:
- Received presentations from:
- State Representative Sue Entlicher, Bolivar, regarding the 75th anniversary of the Conservation Department
- Permits Supervisor Greg Jones regarding nonresident landowner hunting and fishing privileges
- Outreach and Education Division Chief Mike Huffman concerning past, present and future communication initiatives.
- Accepted the donation of approximately 0.86 acre in Taney County as an addition to the Boston Ferry Conservation Area.
- Accepted the donation of approximately 44 acres in Dunklin County as an addition to the Wilhelmina Conservation Area.
- Approved the exchange of two 20-acre tracts of the Current River Conservation Area in Reynolds County for a 40-acre tract in Reynolds County as an addition to the Logan Creek Conservation Area.
- Approved the purchase of approximately 40 acres in Cass County as an addition to the Amarugia Highlands Conservation Area.
- Approved the purchase of approximately 470 acres, together with all accretions thereto, in Pemiscot County as an addition to the DeSoto Unit of the Black Island Conservation Area
- Approved the suspension or revocation of all hunting and fishing privileges of 462 people who are not in compliance with applicable child-support laws. Privileges suspended for noncompliance are reinstated once the Division of Child Support Enforcement notifies the Department that suspendees have come into compliance with the required laws.
- Suspended privileges of 111 nonresidents under the provisions of the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact.
- Set the next Conservation Commission meeting for Dec. 13 and 14 in Jefferson City.
Suspended hunting, fishing and/or trapping privileges of 27 Missouri residents and one Iowa resident for Wildlife Code violations. Those whose privileges were suspended are:
- Edward J. Atchison, Silex, hunting and trapping, six months
- Kolt W. Barker, Lebanon, all sport privileges, 1.5 additional years
- Tharel D. Beckwith, Doniphan, hunting, 1 year
- Justin D. Boothe, Greenfield, hunting, 1 year
- Doyle D. Burgess, Bloomfield, hunting, 6 years
- Erik E. Casas, Wheaton, hunting and trapping, 1 year
- Robert K. Cassinger, Ellington, hunting, 3 years
- Clark A. Chrisman, Doniphan, hunting, 1 additional year
- Paul Edwards, Marion Woods, fishing, 1 year
- Mark W. Glover, Brighton, fishing 6 months and hunting 1 year
- Travis Hudson, Billings, hunting, 1 year
- Scott M. Jenkins, Rolla, hunting 6 years
- Brandon A. Lanier, Steele, hunting, 1 year
- David L. Lentz, Sumner, commercial fishing, 1 year
- David L. Little, Muscatine, Iowa, hunting, 3 years
- Betuel V. Mailat, Nixa, fishing, 1 year
- Dalton K. Maynard, Sarcoxie, hunting and fishing, 1 year
- Frankie S. Moman, Gatewood, hunting, 1 year
- Jimmy L. Oneal, Doniphan, hunting, 1 year
- Ronald F. Poole, Richland, hunting 6 years
- Shawn W. Reeves, Doniphan, hunting, 1 year
- Marshall H. Russom, Sikeston, hunting, 1 year
- Roy L. Schwartz, Argyle, hunting and trapping, 1 year
- David E. Sipes, Doniphan, hunting 1 year
- Vance A. Tate, Callao, hunting 1 year
- Levi L. Taylor, Doniphan, hunting, 1 year
- Kaleb W. Triplett, Deerfield, hunting, 8 years
- Tyler D. Watkins, Doniphan, hunting 1 year