A Little Gun with a Lot of Punch – the CVA Hunter Centerfire Rifle
John E. Phillips 01.18.13

The CVA (Connecticut Valley Arms) Hunter Centerfire is a great little gun for the budget-minded hunter and comes in a 20- or a 22-inch barrel. This single-shot rifle comes in a .243 caliber and a 7mm-08. New for this year is a .35 Remington, a .35 Whelen and a .44 Magnum. This gun was built for the states that have weapon limitations during their black-powder deer seasons. This very-affordable rifle allows the hunter to shoot a centerfire rifle in the states where these calibers are permitted during the blackpowder season. The manufacturers suggested retail is $314, but you will find them in many stores for less. To learn more about the CVA Hunter Centerfire Rifle, go to www.cva.com.