Ozonics for Scent Elimination
John E. Phillips 01.22.13

One of the most revolutionary new products in scent elimination is Ozonics.
“Oxygen is a stable molecule, but ozone is an unstable molecule,” Dennis Fink, president of Ozonics, explains. “When you turn on Ozonics, it puts an ozone layer between you and the animal you’re hunting. As human odor passes through that ozone layer, the ozone changes the odor, so the animals no longer can smell a human scent.”
I also asked TV host Greg Miller, who has been field testing the product, what he thought of Ozonics.
“This is one of the greatest products to come onto the outdoor scene,” Miller said. “I think Ozonics solves the final piece of the puzzle as far as human odor is concerned when you’re hunting. If I’m in a ground blind, I only use one Ozonics, but if I’m in a tree stand, I have one, and my cameraman does too. We place the Ozonics above our heads to eliminate our odor.” To find-out more about Ozonics, go to www.ozonicshunting.com.