Hunter Safety Video Series Produced by Kalkomey Receives a Pinnacle Award


Hunter Safety Video Series Produced by Kalkomey Receives a Pinnacle Award

A new hunter safety education video series, produced by Kalkomey Enterprises, Inc., was recognized with the Professional Outdoor Media Association’s 2013 Pinnacle Award in the broadcast category. The hunter safety videos are part of the official training at as well as being available on a menu-driven DVD for instructors.

“Our goal in developing this series was to create videos that would be fun for students to watch. We wanted to use humor, where appropriate, to focus the student’s attention on the safety advice,” said Kurt Kalkomey, president of Kalkomey Enterprises, Inc. “We also wanted to avoid being preachy. Our videos are meant to engage students with opportunities to explore and select the best options for staying safe while hunting. This helps students develop true understanding rather than just memorizing the lesson.”

The new hunter safety videos feature a combination of professional actors, entertaining storylines and up-to-date scenarios. They cover topics such as tree stand hunting safety, firearms safety, hunting from a ground blind, effectiveness of blaze orange and more.

In addition to being fun to watch, Kalkomey’s hunter safety videos also were vetted by experts. Rod Slings, retired Iowa DNR law enforcement supervisor and CEO of Hunting and Shooting Related Consultants LLC., played an important part in ensuring that best safety practices are demonstrated throughout the series. In addition, hunter safety education coordinators throughout the country reviewed the scripts and videos as well.

POMA’s Pinnacle Awards honor remarkable achievements in traditional outdoor sports-focused communications, including writing, photography/illustration/art, broadcasting and content focused on wildlife conservation. Mossy Oak joined forces with POMA to promote excellence in communications by becoming the presenting partner of the Pinnacle Awards when the program began.

To see the new hunter safety videos and get started on an official hunter safety course, visit Youth leaders who teach hunter safety in the classroom can order the new videos on a menu-driven DVD. For pricing information and to place orders, email or call 800-830-2268.


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Kalkomey Enterprises, Inc., parent company of, is the official provider of recreational safety education materials for all 50 states. Our print and Internet courses have been providing official safety certification since 1995. We provide safety courses in boating, hunting, bowhunting, and off-road vehicle (ORV) and snowmobile operation. For more information, visit Find us on Facebook at:

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