Jeremy Sorenson Leads After Day Two of the 2013 Central Division Championship in Texas
OutdoorHub 06.14.13
Summertime has arrived in North Central Texas as the temps have been in the mid to upper 90s this week for the 2013 Central Division Championship, presented by Evinrude near Denton, Texas On Lake Ray Roberts.
After day two, Nebraska State Team’s Jeremy Sorenson of Fremont, Neb leads. Today he had 4 fish that weighed 12-04, two day total of 27-13. “It’s really tough out there. I had only 7 bites yesterday and 5 today. I was able to pull in 4 today. This has been one of the worst practices I’ve ever had. I caught only 2 keepers in 3 days. Then with about 2 hrs to go before off-limits on Tuesday, I pulled into one spot and caught a 7lb’er in a tree and I have kept on returning to that tree,” said Sorenson. “Tomorrow I plan run to my water first thing in morning, see if they are there and if they aren’t, I’m going to have to rely on my co-angler for some possible spots.”
Yesterday’s leader, Hoyt Akins of Arkansas falls to second with a two day total weight of 27-9, having 9lbs 7 oz today. “I had more bites today, but couldn’t get them in boat. I caught about a 5 ½ lber with about 5 minutes before weigh-in, which made my miserable day a little better. Tomorrow I plan to fish the same stuff and hope I catch ‘em… and a little quicker. I’m hoping for some wind tomorrow because today there wasn’t much after 10am.” Akins has made nationals twice and the BFL All-American once.
Mississippi’s Gene Brown had 4 fish for 12-04 today and is setting in 3rd place overall with 27lbs even. “The tournament is going better than I expected. I happened to find these fish during practice on Tuesday morning. There’s 3 schools of fish on one spot and I’ve been catching them there between the 3. I plan on beating them up tomorrow!,” said Brown. Gene just fished the 2013 TBF National Championship at Grand Lake, OK, so he will be no stranger to the bigger contest if he moves on tomorrow.
In state team standings, Arkansas leads with over 20lbs at 173lbs for 2 days. Oklahoma is in 2nd with 153-2 and Louisiana is in 3rd place with 140-13.
The weights are close and 16 anglers will advance to the 2014 TBF National Championship tomorrow; 8 as Boaters and 8 as Co-Anglers. The top angler of each state will advance as the boater and the 2nd place angler will advance as a co-angler. All will be in search of that $100,000 Living the Dream Prize Package.