CDFW to Sponsor Pheasant Hunts in Northern California

Registration is now open for six junior apprentice pheasant hunts and three women’s apprentice pheasant hunts in the California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s (CDFW) Northern Region. Numerous volunteers will be assisting with the hunts, which are designed for beginning hunters. All of the hunts will be held on CDFW wildlife areas and Bureau of Land Management properties in northern California (Del Norte, Siskiyou, Shasta, Lassen, Tehama and Modoc counties).
All junior apprentice hunts are open to young hunters (under 16) who possess a valid California junior hunting license. The women’s apprentice hunts are open to all who possess a valid California hunting license and a valid upland game bird stamp. Junior hunters are not required to have an upland game bird stamp.
Specific information for each hunt is available online at For “Hunt Category,” please select “Apprentice Hunts” to view the available opportunities.
Online applicants must create a CDFW web account in order to register. Applicants under the age of 18 must have an adult apply on their behalf. To have a paper application mailed to you, please call CDFW at (916) 445-3418.
New hunters should also take advantage of the one-time priority for admittance to a pen-raised pheasant Apprentice Hunt for beginners. Upon successful completion of the mandatory hunter education course, every new hunter is issued a Hunter Education Certificate. The certificate number serves as a “priority validation” that ensures the hunter will be given priority for a hunt. Enter the certificate number in the appropriate box on the hunt application and submit by the drawing deadline. You can only take advantage of the priority validation once.