UK Firm Releases “Digital Gun Silencer” App


UK Firm Releases “Digital Gun Silencer” App

Could an app really function as hearing protection for shooting enthusiasts? London-based app publishing firm Essency seems to think so, with the recent release of their new GunSonics! app. The app allegedly diminishes the sound of gunfire while still allowing a user to hear conversations between fellow shooters, range instructors, and students. The app uses standard iPod or iPhone earphones under traditional passive ear protectors, with a choice of six settings depending on the firearms used.

“GunSonics! reduces the sound of gunfire to a harmless ‘pop’ while enhancing quiet sounds like speech,” states the Essency website.

The UK firm touts several benefits of the app over expensive electronic hearing protection, namely price and flexibility. At the price of $9.99 in the App Store, GunSonics! is significantly cheaper than most other electronic hearing-protection devices for shooting enthusiasts. Additionally, Essencey claims their app allows uninterrupted speech between shots, as well as a higher reaction speed in shuttering gunshots over its competitors.

According to Essency:

1. The iPhone headset is worn under ear-protectors, bringing you conversation and natural sounds
2. Using Essency’s Advanced DSP ‘Real-Time Engine’ running on the iPhone, sounds from the microphone are fed to your ear as they happen, with no lags, echoes or delays.
3. Ear-Protectors provide the essential noise baffling protection for your ears
4. When you shoot, no sound from the gunshot reaches your ears apart from a harmless ‘pop’

In essence, the app uses the iPhone’s microphone to “hear.” The app comes with six settings to better suit a particular type of firearm. Currently, there are seperate settings for revolvers, shotguns, rifles, pistols, black powder firearms, and a spectator mode. Essency assures users that choosing the wrong setting will not result in permanent hearing damage, but simply tweak how the user hears speech. The company also states that the app is designed to have a low impact on battery life, which was one concern brought up by shooters.

Essency also urges that an additional layer of ear protection must be worn over the earplugs, in case the headphones are not inserted correctly, the iPhone turns off or any other issues occur.

“GunSonics! is not a replacement for ear protectors/defenders/muffs! You must always use high-quality ear protectors over your earphones when using GunSonics!,” the company states.

Currently GunSonics! is only available on iPhones, although an Android version is in the works.

A waveform comparison of a gunshot and how it is heard with GunSonics! can be seen below:

Hat tip to The Truth About Guns.

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