Ohio Angler Rescues Frozen Deer


Ohio Angler Rescues Frozen Deer

Jared Maitino and his brother-in-law did not hook any fish when they arrived at their usual fishing spot near Ohio’s Chargrin River, but they did manage to land a deer. According to Fox 8, the river was frozen when the two men went there earlier this year. The anglers had not expected the river to freeze over so early and was forced to call off their trip. While leaving, Maitino noticed that a deer had gotten trapped in the water, and moved to help.

“It was struggling to get out of the water,” he said.

It is not unusual for deer to wander onto frozen lakes or attempt to cross small streams. Many times the unlucky animal will perish, but sometimes humans offer a helping hand.

Using what materials he had, Maitino fashioned a lasso out of ratchet straps and managed to hook the deer. You can see video taken of the rescue below:


Like many anglers, Maitino routinely carries a GoPro camera with him on his fishing trips. He is grateful that he is able to keep a memento from the rescue, but he humbly turns down praise from people who think he is a hero.

“I don’t consider myself a hero,” he said. “Everybody keeps saying you’re a hero, but if I would have saved a human then I thought maybe I’d be more of a hero, but it was still cool though.”

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