Video: How to Build a $15 PVC Target Stand
OutdoorHub Reporters 04.29.14

For the innovative inventor and tinkerer, few materials prove to be as versatile as a PVC pipe. Do-it-yourself enthusiasts have long favored PVC piping for constructing simple objects such as chairs, clothing racks, and even primitive bows. In this video, a competition shooter shares his method of building a affordable target stand for IDPA/USPSA practice as well as NRA-style targets.
Necessary materials:
- 8 feet of 1 1/2″ diameter PVC pipe
- 4 T-shaped PVC pieces
- PVC Glue
- 2 4-foot furring strips
- Tent stakes to anchor the stand on windy days
- A saw of some sort
- Drill
- File to round out the edges
Overall price of materials in the video: about $15 from your local hardware store.