Video: Thirsty Moose Drinks from Lawn Sprinkler
OutdoorHub Reporters 08.21.14

It may be another sign of Utah’s drought conditions, or just one opportunistic moose making the best of a hot day. In this video taken by the Mitchell family in Bear Lake, Utah, a large moose quenches its thirst by hogging a lawn sprinkler. The sweaty animal lays down next to the sprinkler, seemingly enjoying the cool water it brings. The Mitchell family doesn’t mind, either, instead stealthily recording the animal and later sending the video to the state’s Department of Wildlife Resources.
Across the drought-stricken Southwest, officials warn that wildlife may encroach upon suburban and urban neighborhoods as dry weather continues. Bears, mountain lions, and even moose are finding food increasingly scarce in their native habitats, and some of the animals would much rather raid trash cans instead. Officials say this could pose a danger for residents and that trash should always be kept safely secured.