Video: The Largest Whitetail Buck Ever Shot on Camera


Video: The Largest Whitetail Buck Ever Shot on Camera

On October 12, hunter Joe Franz harvested a massive whitetail buck with a muzzleloader on his property in Iowa. Fortune has awarded this hunter the deer of a lifetime, but it was the foresight of the Trophy Pursuit team that put this incredible shot on camera. With a reported preliminary score of 258 and 7/8, this buck could very well be the largest ever taken while being filmed.

“We are very excited to announce that Trophy Pursuit has filmed the harvest of what we think could be the largest wild, 100% fair chase whitetail to ever be captured on professional video!” announced the Trophy Pursuit website. “To say that we are humbled and more than appreciative would be an understatement.”

The video was taken by Iowa native Derek Wilkerson, who could only stand by in awe as Franz retrieved the deer the next day.

“It’s like a moose!” one of the hunters commented.

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Boone and Crockett Club scorer Glen Salow eventually came down to measure the animal, which gave even world records a challenge. For comparison, the largest typical whitetail of all time measured 213 and 5/8, whereas the largest non-typical measured 333 and 7/8. If the Franz buck’s green score stands up to scrutiny after the traditional 60-day drying period, it is certainly one of the largest deer ever taken from Iowa.

“Total mass was 36 6/8 on the right side and 27 5/8 on the left side for a total of 64 3/8. Congrats again to the hunter and the TP crew,” Salow wrote on Facebook.

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