Video: Huge Black Bears Fight in New Jersey


Video: Huge Black Bears Fight in New Jersey

This video, purportedly taken in August and just recently uploaded, shows two large black bears duking it out in the suburban neighborhood of Rockaway, New Jersey. According to state wildlife biologist Kelcey Burguess, the two bears appeared to be males, both weighing several hundred pounds, and possibly fighting over a female in the area. Black bear mating season typically runs from June to July, but is known to extend into August as well.

“They’re probably fighting or playing because there’s a good-looking lady in the area,” Burguess told “It’s really common to have fights during mating season.”

Although black bears lack the fearsome reputation of their grizzly cousins, they can still be powerful animals. These two bears put that on demonstration as they lunge towards each other in what becomes a vicious fight for territorial dominance.

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