Video: Have You Ever Heard an Elk Bark?


Video: Have You Ever Heard an Elk Bark?

The elk hunters out there might be rolling their eyes, but a lot of people don’t know that elk can actually bark. Yes, like a dog. They can even growl and, in some cases, give out a roar that sounds more like a bear than one of these graceful creatures.

Generally, a bark is the last thing that any elk hunter wants to hear—it means you’ve been spotted. A sharp, loud bark is how elk signal possible danger to others, which almost always means you, the hunter with the bow trying to sneak up on it.

If you’ve never heard it, take a gander at this video from the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation:

Dogs aren’t the only animals that bark. Have you ever had a cow elk bark at you? #RMEF #Elk #Conservation

Posted by Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation on Thursday, July 30, 2015

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