Video: Eagle Holds on for Dear Life after Pulling Goat off Mountain


Video: Eagle Holds on for Dear Life after Pulling Goat off Mountain

Wherever there are eagles, they are almost always the unparalleled masters of the sky. These ferocious predators are capable from taking down anything from small deer, to wolves, to even the sturdy-footed mountain goat. However, just because they can doesn’t mean they always will. Even eagles can bite off more than they can chew.

In this video, one of the birds try to drag down a large mountain goat, but its hunt takes a painful turn after the animal tumbles off the mountainside. Unable to release its talons, the eagle had no choice but to follow the goat as it slides down the rocky surface, smashes against a large rock, and keeps running. After what seemed like an eternity, the eagle finally decided that it had enough of this ride and let go, coming to an undignified heap among the rocks.

Being a predator is hard sometimes.

The video appeared to be a teaser for the film Brothers of the Wind, which follows the story of a young boy and his adopted eagle.

Edit 12-17-2015: The “mountain goat” in this video appear to be chamois, an European animal that looks like a cross between a goat and an antelope. 

Eagle hunting a big mountain goat !

Posted by Channel on Thursday, November 26, 2015

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