Fisherman Catches Rainbow-colored Lobster
OutdoorHub Reporters 01.28.16

A Canadian fisherman may have caught the crustacean of a lifetime, but only snapped only a few pictures of the animal before he threw it back in the water.
A lobster with noticeable rainbow hues was caught by Captain Chad Graham late last year, and is just recently making the rounds on the internet after he realized that he made quite the find.
“This is weird! Look what a fisherman going about his business caught off Nova Scotia—a rainbow coloured lobster!” wrote the Marine Conservation Society along with a picture of the rare find.
The colorful lobster was apparently found in Nova Scotia’s St. Marys Bay. Graham said he threw it back because regulations from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans do not allow him to keep any lobster shorter than 82.5 millimeters long.
“He has caught all blue and yellow lobsters before, but this one was the most purple—with blues, yellow, and white—that’s he’s ever caught or seen,” his sister, Amanda Graham, told the CBC.
Maybe one day the fisherman will find the lobster again, albeit much larger.